Crosby Park Families: Here is a link to the online book fair so that you are able to shop the online catalog as well. Thank you for supporting our school and our students!
10 months ago, JR Hoyt
CPE Online Book Fair
Crosby Park Families: Please join us this week for our Scholastic Book Fair. Our fair will run from Tuesday, April 2 through Wednesday, April 10 at noon. Follow this link for information about how to set up an e-wallet for your student: Thank you for your support!
10 months ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families: Please join us this week for our Scholastic Book Fair. Our fair will run from Tuesday, April 2 through Wednesday, April 10 at noon. Follow this link for information on how to set up an e-wallet for your student:
10 months ago, JR Hoyt
CPE Book Fair April 2-10
Crosby Park Families: Thank you for the overwhelming support during our World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser. Money is due on Tuesday, February 20th. Remember that we are unable to accept partial or opened boxes. $60 is due for each box opened. We still have boxes available if you would like to make any last minute purchases of full, unopened boxes. You may return envelopes with your student or come by the office to drop them off. If you would like to purchase a box outright, that can be done in the office via cash or debit/credit card. Thank you again for your support!
12 months ago, JR Hoyt
WFC $$$ due
Crosby Park Families: Spring pictures are Monday, February 5. Students will take class photos as well as individual photos. Student Council will be selling Ring Pop Valentine's Grams beginning Wednesday, February 7. Valentine's Grams will be $.50 each and will be sold until they run out of stock. We will continue to sell our World's Finest Chocolate Bars until February 20. Please remember to sign the envelope when returning it to the office with your student if you would like them to check out an additional box. Thank you for all of your support!
12 months ago, JR Hoyt
WFC Fundraiser
STUCO Valentine's Grams
Crosby Park Families: Don't forget to check online for the other amazing products available from World's Finest Chocolate! Orders made online will still be counted toward your student's sales to enter them into the drawing for a HUGE chocolate bar, opportunity to be one of the top 3 sellers, and for collecting the awesome prizes available based off of how many boxes they sell! Details for how to ensure your student is credited were included in the parent letter sent home.
12 months ago, JR Hoyt
WFC Fundraiser - Online Sales
Crosby Park Families: Don't forget that our World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser begins Monday, January 29. Students came home with a parent letter on Friday that you will need to sign and return so that they may collect a box of chocolate to begin selling. Our students are excited for the amazing prizes they can win including: $300, $200, and $100 cash and a HUGE 5 lb. chocolate bar to the top 3 sellers in addition to the prizes they earn for the amount of boxes sold. For every 2 boxes sold, a student's name will be put in a hat to be drawn at the end of the fundraiser for a HUGE chocolate bar. Please remember that opened boxes cannot be returned. $60 will be due for each box checked out by a student. If you have any questions, please call or come by the office. Thank you for your support!
about 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
WFC Fundraiser
Crosby Park Families: The 2024 Future Chef Challenge is coming soon! See the attached flyer for details and the QR code to sign your little chef up for the opportunity to show off their skills and a chance to attend the Future Chefs National Challenge for some great prizes.
about 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
LPS Future Chef Challenge
Crosby Park Families: Tomorrow starts our Small Change for Big CHANGE Challenge to support the great work that the Lawton Public Schools Foundation does to support all LPS students and staff. Every penny counts and is greatly appreciated! #weareLPS
about 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
LPSF Change Challenge
Crosby Park Families: Don't forget, this Thursday we will be hosting a blood drive from 10:30-2:30 in the gym. At this time, blood supplies are very low in our area due to slow collections from the holidays and weather. Donors will receive a T-shirt and Pop-It for their student. If our school reaches its goal, all students that recruited a donor will receive a pizza party! Walk-ins are welcome, or you may sign up for a scheduled donation time by following this link and scanning the QR code.
about 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
CPE Blood Drive Flyer
Crosby Park Families: Next Monday, January 22nd will kick off our annual Change Challenge to support the Lawton Public Schools Foundation. This year, Crosby Park teachers were awarded more than $3,000 in grants from the LPSF which directly benefited our students. Students will get to fill the bucket with their change each morning in ET Time. The top 3 schools for per pupil donations will receive 20% of the money they raised instantly. Any amount helps and every penny counts!!! Please help us continue to bless our students by supporting the LPSF! 🧡🖤
about 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
LPSF Change Challenge Flyer
Crosby Families: We are proud to present Crosby Kinder Carols Friday, December 8, 2023 at 9:30 AM in the auditorium. All songs will be recorded and uploaded to Facebook for everyone to enjoy! Please remember to check in at the office on Friday for your visitor's pass.
about 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Kindergarten Carols
Crosby Park Families: A big thanks to all students who have learned Hands-Only CPR, earned characters delivering heart healthy messages and are spreading awareness through texts, emails and social media! We have raised $1,726.94 of our $1,500.00 goal. We hope 143 students will join the team, and 29 have signed up. 5 students have completed Finn’s Mission and entered the NFL Sweepstakes for Super Bowl 2025! By supporting the AHA, you also help our P.E. program earn more equipment. Any student that raises $25 will be able to join the WATER BLAST PARTY!!!
about 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
share your story
Crosby Families: Bus 730 has been delayed and will be picking up in approximately 15 minutes. We apologize for the delay, but can assure you your students are safe and being supervised. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Families: We have a few reminders to share. First, Monday, October 23rd will be our Fall Picture retakes 📸. Second, this week is Red Ribbon Week. We have special days to celebrate all the way through October 31st! Third, Boo Grams 👻will be on sale throughout the week to support our Student Council. Finally, our character trait of the week is RESPONSIBILITY. We will be discussing it daily during ET Time and teachers will be looking for students demonstrating responsibility throughout the week. Please check out our Facebook page at for highlights of our amazing students and staff and to stay up-to-date!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Red Ribbon Week 2023
Crosby Families: Fundraiser orders have arrived and are being handed out from the front patio until 4:00.
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Families: Remember that Monday, September 18 is Fall Picture Day. Have a great weekend!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Families: Remember, Friday September 15 is our first virtual day for students. Students will be home and work will be uploaded to Seesaw/Google Classroom.
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Families: We would love to give a huge shout out to our amazing Longhorn PTA popcorn volunteers! They do a wonderful job supporting our students and teachers every week. If you are interested in becoming a member of PTA and/or volunteering, please reach out to Ashley Ghrayyeb or Amanda Mack for details!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
PTA popcorn volunteers
Crosby Families: Attached is a flyer with information about Girl Scouts and how to sign up. The information and sign-up meeting will be held on Saturday, September 9 from 11:00 AM-1:00PM at the Lawton Public Library. Financial assistance is available for those that qualify. Text "Lawton" to (405) 442-0680 to RSVP.
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Girl Scouts Flyer