Crosby Park Families: Please remember that fall fund raiser items will be delivered tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. Please be sure you have someone that can come pick up your items by 4:00. All refrigerated items MUST BE PICKED UP by 4:00, please. Have a great evening!
24 days ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Families: CORRECTION! The Trunk-or-Treat is 6:00-7:30.
27 days ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families: Today is the day and we are so excited to have you join us for our first ever Trunk-or-Treat! A few reminders for a safe and fun evening: 1) The front parking lot will be closed off beginning at 4:15 in order to allow staff members to park and prepare for the Trunk-or-Treat. 2) Parents needing to pick up Extended Day students will need to park on the West side of the building or rear parking lot to retrieve their students today. 3) Parking for this evening will be on the side streets. Please be kind to our neighbors and do not block their driveways. 4) The Trunk-or-Treat will begin at 5:30 and end at 7:00. Tickets may be purchased at the event table near the East end of the building. 5/$1 or 5/canned good. 5) There will be food/drink vendors located on the field for families to purchase from. 6) In addition to teachers handing out candy, there will be several activity stations including a dunk tank, bounce houses, cake walk, tattoo station, and spider web battles. Trunk-or-Treating is free. The various stations will cost tickets.
27 days ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families: CORRECTION! The fundraiser items will be delivered Tuesday, October 29 and can be picked up at the front patio from 2:30-4:00. Sorry for the confusion!
28 days ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families: We hope that you have had a relaxing and safe Fall Break and are so excited to see you all back tomorrow. Fall picture retakes will be in the morning of Monday, October 21 . Also, don't forget the first ever Crosby Park Trunk or Treat taking place Friday evening from 6:00-7:30. The event will be walk-up only as the parking lot will be roped off to safely allow students to Trick or Treat. We will also have various vendors located in the ball field as well as various games and activities for everyone to enjoy. We are thrilled to see you there! Please remember to park on the side streets and do not block our neighbors driveways.
about 1 month ago, JR Hoyt
Trunk or Treat
Crosby Park Families: Your student will be bringing home an Impact Aid Survey this afternoon. These need to be completed and returned by tomorrow (Oct. 2). I am including a copy of the parent letter (on Facebook) that will answer any questions you may have. The letter will also be attached to the forms in your student's backpacks. These forms allow us to provide materials for all students, so they are very important to have returned on time. Thank you for your support!
about 2 months ago, JR Hoyt
Impact Aid Letter
Crosby Park Families: The construction on Horton Blvd has begun. At this time the top layer of the road has been removed for 3/4 of the road surface. Mr. Hoyt has driven the route and the carline will continue as normal. Please expect delays as there will be large trucks moving along the route. Tomorrow the crew will continue removing the top layer and sweeping before they begin laying new surface on Wednesday. The crew is aware that parents will be lining up for dismissal. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
about 2 months ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families: Impact Aid forms will be sent home on Tuesday, October 1 with your student. These forms are due back to the school on Wednesday, October 3. Please take the time to complete these and return them in your student's backpack as these are part of how the district receives state and federal funds in order to provide high-quality materials for students. Thank you so much for your continued support!
about 2 months ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families: We apologize for such a late message, but the school has been informed that beginning Monday, September 30, Horton Blvd from Quannah Parker to Cache Road will be down to a single lane for repairs. This will significantly impact our morning and afternoon carline. We ask that you please be patient during this process. The repairs are estimated to be completed by October 4th. We will push out any updates that we receive. If you plan to change how your student goes home during this time, please be sure to call the front office by 2:30 PM any day that your student will not go home their normal way. Thank you!
about 2 months ago, JR Hoyt
CPE Families Reminder: Monday, September 16 is our Fall picture day beginning at 9:00. Have a great week, Longhorns!
2 months ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families: The annual Lawton Public School Foundation Breakfast is approaching quickly! The breakfast is scheduled for Friday, September 20th from 6-9 am. We have tickets for sale in the front office for anyone that would like to purchase them. They are $20/ticket. All proceeds go directly to fund grants through the foundation to support students and teachers in Lawton Public Schools. Attached you will also find the flyer for the ticket sales for the Chevy giveaway. Those tickets are $25/ea. or 5 for $100.
3 months ago, JR Hoyt
LPSF Breakfast
LPSF Car Raffle
Crosby Park Families: All students have had an LPS badge attached to their backpacks. It is imperative that these badges remain attached to their backpacks at all times. These allow staff to identify students, are utilized to scan for breakfast, grant access to LPS buses, and allow student access to LPS sport events. Replacement badges cost $5 and will be applied as a fee in Infinite Campus. Please help us ensure the safety of all students. Feel free to reach out to the front office with any questions. Thank you!
3 months ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families: Welcome to the second day of school! Our car line and dismissal was very successful yesterday and will only continue to improve. There are important reminders to share. Please have your car tags displayed from your rear view mirror or on the driver's side of the dashboard. Please enter the neighborhood from Quanah Parker on Horton Blvd. You will loop around on Chestnut to help prevent traffic backing up on Quanah Parker. Please do not block neighborhood driveways. This will allow the line to flow smoothly and efficiently. If you have a change in dismissal procedure, call the front office by 2:30 so that all responsible parties can be made aware. Thank you for your support in ensuring the safety of our students! We are blessed with the best!
3 months ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families, We are so excited to welcome you back for a great 2024-2025 school year. Our dismissal process has remained the same this year. Students will dismiss from school at 3:45. Students that will be car riders will dismiss first at 3:45 to be loaded into their cars. Cars will not enter the parking lot until directed by a staff member. Please remain parked at the East side crosswalk (Horton Blvd.) until directed to enter the line by a staff member. Please have your ID ready. A staff member will verify your identity and you will be given your TWO family car tags that will be necessary for daily pick up. If you are missing your car tag, you will be required to show ID to pick up your student. Please remember that WALKERS will NOT dismiss until the carline is cleared. This helps ensure their safety while walking home. Parents that exit their vehicle and approach the school must park on side streets, not on Horton. At that time, your student is no longer a car rider and will be dismissed with walkers. If there are any changes to your daily dismissal routine, please notify the front office by 2:30. The office will be in safe dismissal mode beginning at 3:30 and will not be taking phone calls until dismissal is completed. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to ensure the safety of all students, staff, and families.
3 months ago, JR Hoyt
CPE Carline/Dismissal
Crosby Park Families: We hope that you are enjoying the beginning of summer break with your students and we are preparing to welcome you all back in August. If you have a student beginning Kindergarten for 2024-25, please remember to complete the online enrollment through the LPS website (click Enroll Today at the top of the page and begin at Step 1 if your child did not complete Pre-K through LPS). Elementary check in at each site will take place on August 5, 6, & 7. More details will be provided via the website, Facebook, and text as we get closer to those dates. All students/families need to check in even if they have attended previously.
6 months ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families: Tomorrow is our Super Kids Day and we are so excited for the fun our students and staff will have! Remember, students may not wear two piece bathing suits to school. They are encouraged to wear shorts and t-shirts that are quick-drying. They may bring towels and a change of clothes. Slides/sandals are allowed to help prevent wet shoes. Please remember to pack a water bottle (we will have outside filling stations) and sunscreen. We will also have shade stations available. We appreciate the many requests to volunteer, but we will be fully staffed to monitor students. Stay tuned to Facebook for photos and videos!
7 months ago, JR Hoyt
super Kids Day
SKD Reminders
Crosby Park Families, The LPS Summer Camp enrollment window has been expanded. We would love to get the opportunity to work with your students over the summer. Summer camp is open to all students. Students will receive breakfast and lunch. Makerspace Camp is available for 3rd-12th grades. Both flyers are attached. Thank you!
7 months ago, JR Hoyt
Summer Camp
Makerspace Camp
Crosby Park Families: Here is a link to the online book fair so that you are able to shop the online catalog as well. Thank you for supporting our school and our students!
8 months ago, JR Hoyt
CPE Online Book Fair
Crosby Park Families: Please join us this week for our Scholastic Book Fair. Our fair will run from Tuesday, April 2 through Wednesday, April 10 at noon. Follow this link for information about how to set up an e-wallet for your student: Thank you for your support!
8 months ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families: Please join us this week for our Scholastic Book Fair. Our fair will run from Tuesday, April 2 through Wednesday, April 10 at noon. Follow this link for information on how to set up an e-wallet for your student:
8 months ago, JR Hoyt
CPE Book Fair April 2-10