Crosby Families: Remember, Friday September 15 is our first virtual day for students. Students will be home and work will be uploaded to Seesaw/Google Classroom.
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Families: We would love to give a huge shout out to our amazing Longhorn PTA popcorn volunteers! They do a wonderful job supporting our students and teachers every week. If you are interested in becoming a member of PTA and/or volunteering, please reach out to Ashley Ghrayyeb or Amanda Mack for details!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
PTA popcorn volunteers
Crosby Families: Attached is a flyer with information about Girl Scouts and how to sign up. The information and sign-up meeting will be held on Saturday, September 9 from 11:00 AM-1:00PM at the Lawton Public Library. Financial assistance is available for those that qualify. Text "Lawton" to (405) 442-0680 to RSVP.
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Girl Scouts Flyer
Crosby Families: Happy Tuesday! Don't forget, our annual Club's Choice Fundraiser is running until September 11, 2023. Remind your student to fill out their slips and bring those to the office so they can receive their clip-on collectible puppy for their backpack! Thank you for supporting our school and your students. We are excited to be able to use proceeds to help fund field trips and purchase resources and materials to use with students throughout the building! Signing up is easy and orders can be made online with shipping available so you don't even need to worry with delivering items. With Christmas just around the corner, there are lots of great gifts available! Students have the opportunity to earn great prizes throughout including $200 cash, a Nintendo Switch Lite, or even an Xbox Series S. After creating your account, be sure to share your link on Facebook and tag us at #loveourlonghorns & #weareLPS! Thank you again for your support! Find our school's page at:
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
French Bread Pizzas
Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies
Kitchen Gadgets
Made in the USA Candles
We want to give a huge shout out to our students and parents. We are nearly 1/5 of the way toward meeting our goal for our Club's Choice Fundraiser. Thank you for your support! The link to our page is here:
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
fundraiser poster 1
Crosby Families: Remember, popcorn and pickle orders are due on Thursday. Orders will be delivered during the day on Friday while the popcorn is fresh! Popcorn and pickles are a dollar each. Fruit snacks and blow pops are 2/$1.
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
popcorn and pickle flyer
Crosby Families -- Attention PreK grandparents: Friday, September 8th at 9:30 will be our annual Teddy Bear Picnic in celebration of grandparents day. Grandparents and grand friends are invited to attend that morning for refreshments.
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
PK Teddybear Picnic
Crosby Families: Yesterday was the kickoff for our Clubs Choice Fundraiser. Your students should have brought home a packet of information that will explain how they can participate. Students also have the opportunity to collect DOG clip-ons that they can show off to their friends for participating. Students will be selling cookie dough, items from the web store, and dry goods. Here is the link to the Clubhouse page: We are excited by the possibilities. Proceeds will be used in our building, classrooms, and special student experiences.
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Fundraiser Info Sheet
Crosby Families: Order forms went home with your students today for PTA Popcorn & Pickle Day. Orders with money will be due on Thursdays. Orders will be filled and delivered to students on Fridays. The following items are available for $1 each: popcorn, pickle, fruit snacks (x2), or Blow Pops (x2).
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
PTA Sale
Crosby Families: Apologies for the extra message, but there is a correction for tomorrow's grade-level meeting. Pk-2nd will meet tomorrow from 5:30-6:00. Have a great evening and we are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Families: We are excited for the upcoming annual LPSF Breakfast at Golden Corral scheduled for September 15 from 6:00-9:00 AM. Tickets are available in the office at Crosby Park for $20/person for the general public ($10 for LPS staff) or at the door on the day of the event. The ticket cost is considered a tax deductible donation. This money goes directly to the Lawton Public Schools Foundation for them to fund grants for teachers' classrooms. All money is utilized to serve the students and teachers of LPS! Our teachers will be working hard to submit grants for up to $10,000 to directly benefit our school and students. We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
LPSF Breakfast 2023-24
Crosby Families: Please review the attached image for details regarding the elementary assessment schedule for the 23-24 school year.
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
23-24 Elementary Assessment Dates
Crosby Families: Thursday, August 17th will be our grade-level meeting night from 5:30-6:30 for families with student in grades 3-5 only. Parents are invited to come sit for a presentation by your student's teachers where they will discuss procedures and expectations. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Families: Keep an eye out over the next few weeks for information about our upcoming annual Club's Choice Fundraiser. Students will be able to earn adorable and unique puppy clip-on charms for reaching goals as they participate. Awesome prizes are also included as students sell more items from LED Bluetooth fidget spinners, puppy squishmallows, up to $200 cash, Amazon gift cards, Nintendo Switch Light, or even an Xbox Series S! The fundraiser will help support our school and allow us to go on special field trips and purchase new and exciting equipment and materials for our students. The fundraiser begins August 28th and there will be more information to come soon!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Family: Today was an amazing day to be a Longhorn! Your students were showered with love and the teacher's hearts were full. Thank you all for your patience as we continue working through some adjustments with arrival and dismissal. Please remember, walkers will not be dismissed until after the car line has ended. This is to help ensure the safety of our students and keep them off of roads that are extremely busy at that time. Also, we are happy to open doors and help load students into cars. In order to continue the flow of traffic and reduce wait time significantly, we are unable to hold the line for the time it takes to buckle students into car seats. Please pull forward (out of the parking lot) and park on the side of the road in order to get out and buckle your student. Finally, please be courteous to our neighbors and avoid parking/stopping in front of driveways. This is also important for parents that park and wait for their students that walk home. Thank you, again. We are excited to see you all tomorrow and thank you for allowing us to serve you and your students!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
CPE car line route
Crosby Family: Parents must physically check-in their student at the building. Online forms were pushed out and may be completed before arrival. If you have any questions regarding the online portion, staff members are happy to help you through it. If you did not receive the message, we will help you through that process as well. Thank you all and we will see you today!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Family: Tomorrow is the third day for check-in and we encourage you to please stop in. Staff will be available from 8:30-11:30 and 1:00-3:00 and would love to walk you through the process. We will also begin calling families for confirmation of attendance. Please let us know how we may best support you! 🧡🖤
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families: Our Meet the Teacher night is scheduled for Tuesday, August 8 from 5:30-6:30. Supplies may be brought at this time. We welcome all families to come visit and sign up to join or volunteer with the PTA. Remember to follow us on Facebook @! 🧡🖤
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Meet The Teacher Night on August 8 from 5:20-6:30
CORRECTION Crosby Park Families: Don't forget elementary check in is this week on JULY 25, 26, & 27 from 8:30-11:30 and 1:00-3:00. Spirit shirts will be on sale for $15 (+$1 for extended sizes). PTA members will be present to sign up new members and volunteers. X-Tended day information will be available. We can't wait to see you there!
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
Crosby Park Families, Elementary check in will take place on July 25, 26, & 27 from 8:30-11:30 & 1:00-3:00. Staff will be on site to assist you with this process so that we can be prepared to see our wonderful students back on August 10. Updated immunization records may be brought at this time. It is not necessary to bring school supplies on these days. Please bring those with you on Back To School Night (date/time to come later). Checking in allows us to provide you with vital information and updates as well as gather updated contact information from you. If your student is moving to a new school, there is no need to check in at their previous school. Simply come to the school they will be attending and we will assist in getting all relevant paperwork taken care of! School shirts will be available for purchase for both students and adults. If we sell out, there will be an opportunity to order once school begins.
over 1 year ago, JR Hoyt
LPS Check In Dates: July 25, 26, & 27 from 8:30-11:30 & 1:00-3:00
23-24 Crosby Park Spirit Shirt